(untitled draft 1)


After a moment passed in the airlock, the thick doors slid open to reveal the main floor of the research facility. Clark blinked, then rubbed his eyes in surprise at the massive, unnervingly familiar structure that dominated the spacious room.

"Is that... a giant metal skeleton?"

"Yep. Specifically, it's made of carbon-reinfor-"

"Why on Earth do we have a giant skeleton? I thought the goal of Project Eye Away was to grow a super soldier, not build gigantic Halloween decorations." At this, the technician grinned, and he began walking across the catwalk parallel to the room below them with Clark in tow.

"Well, you know how the soldier's supposed to be a giant? It turns out that -- as our delightful friend the Square-Cube Law tells us -- a normal skeleton of bone wouldn't be able to support a big human. It'd collapse under the immense weight."

"So then, you made a skeleton that would actually withstand the weight. I see... but how are you going to get it inside of the body?"

"Ah, the development isn't going to work quite like that. You see, we can't simply give birth to a big human like a typical baby. So, instead, a couple of geniuses in our biology research team devised a way to make the appropriate organs, tissues, and flesh grow directly on the reinforced skeleton." They stopped at an elevator set perpendicular to the walkway. Stepping into the lift after him, the technician pushed a button on the panel and they descended toward the floor. "All they have to do is immerse it in this liquid they concocted; in fact, this chamber was engineered so that it could be flooded thusly once the construction of the framework was completed."

As they stepped out of the elevator, the sheer size of the skeleton struck him. The thing had to be at least 200 feet tall, maybe a little more. He suddenly noticed tubing running alongside the gleaming metal rods; tangles of them met in the center of the abdomen region, connecting to an ellipsoid object that rested squarely in the solar plexus region.

"Is that... its heart?"

"More or less. Just like how a bone skeleton wouldn't support a giant, neither would a standard circulatory system. The heart wouldn't have enough strength to pump blood all the way up and down the super-long limbs, so we created a substitute system of centrifuges that should do the trick."